So, these are pictures taken from Brenna's last day of Kindergarten - I love her attitude in the morning :-)

My new favorite flower that will forever remind me of Germany and our great town...

Two of Brenna's teachers - I will miss her Kindergarten and her teachers...

I think the title of the woman below would be the Kindergarten director - I loved the way Brenna said her name - it is Sarah (but the way the Germans say it puts emphasis on the last h - kind of a "Sar - ha" for the pronunciation). (I really need to send out letters to everyone over there - Brenna and I better get busy soon!!)

Getting ice cream on our last walk home. We bought an ice cream maker since returning as I have a mission to master our favorite Gelato flavours...

I let Brenna have free rein with making a creation with the sprinkles - I'm not sure how much she ate as well, but she did have fun while I was making supper that day :-)

Our landlord and his wife - they were great to us. Brenna will miss seeing them frequently...

These were our neighbors next door (the woman is the sister of our landlord's wife). (the picture below was taken the morning that we left Germany - it was sad leaving).

A yellow vehicle means mail to Brenna - it is going to take a little while before that is deprogramed from her mind (case in point, she saw a Stanley Steamer truck yesterday that was yellow and called out - the mail truck is here!).

Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - still busy with boxes (blah - I'm tired of unpacking). Dustin and Brenna did some work on her playset yesterday, so we now have sand in the back yard. I didn't realize how much Justice would like the sand - he decided to join the fun right away and laid down in the sand! Hopefully, we can get him used to staying out of it shortly so that he can be outside with Brenna when she plays (he is so big for the sand box that he takes up half of it!).
Hmm, I can't think that too much else is going on here right now, lol. (I guess when you spend a whole day unpacking it is hard to think of a good story to go with it!)
Take Care!
So, just know, Brenna, that the neighbors and friends you made in Germany are a lifelong gift. Hope you can go back to visit all of them!
what wonderful pictures of your last few days in your wonderful little town! I know that you've made some lasting memories by being there!
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