Dustin was extremely busy last week - he ripped out all our old carpet, put in Brenna's new swingset, and repainted the laundry room (along with being around when the new carpet was installed and sweeping up after the new carpet was put in - what a man! Thanks for all your hard work Dustin - we love you!!!). Brenna loves her new swingset - now she can't wait for the sand to be added underneath :-) Dustin and I also painted a large majority of the house since we have returned - the living room and hall, our bedroom, and what will now be my craft room all have a new coat of paint :-). Below is a picture of the room after Dustin ripped out the carpet (we painted the gray on the walls with the old carpet still in - we painted everything before Brenna's birthday party and then put the carpet in after the party).

with our new carpet :-) (the furniture came today - sorry no picture yet with all the boxes still in the way - hopefully, we can get more of the boxes out tomorrow - we focused on Brenna's room and our bedroom today - hoping to get the kitchen back in order tomorrow :-)

Before new carpet

After new carpet (loved the picture with the sweeper ...)

Picture from today (minus the sweeper) of the new carpet (before the movers came). (notice all of the above pictures were taken with our newer point and shoot canon - the one below is my Nikon - I'm really not impressed with the canon in the above shots - but at least we have the other nicer camera (which wasn't at the house for Dustin to take pictures with as I had it with me at my parents - more great shots of people to follow in the next few days :-)

Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are still very busy here. The movers came today with our items from storage - boy do I have a lot of stuff (notice I didn't say we have a lot of stuff - most of the collection of stuff is mine - uh, oh - it is going to be a long week of going thru stuff!).
Last Thursday and Friday we had new carpet put in the house - it looks great, just need to vaccum it a few more times to clean up all the ends that came off when it was installed. Dustin spent last Wednesday ripping out all the old carpet - he did a great job (guess he should get the bonus for doing it himself rather than paying the carpet people to do it!). Dustin also painted the laundry room (wow does it look a lot better) and picked up and installed Brenna's new swingset (if I were him, I think I would need a spa day after all that work!).
So, this week will be spent putting our life back in order. I have lots more pictures to share this week too - our last days in Germany, Brenna's birthday party, face painting, kittens at my parents house, and a trip to the zoo. I did journal our last days in Germany, so I will try to catch everyone up on our last stories of our time there!
Take Care!
so true, your cameras are way different in lighting, but the house looks great! Brenna is going to have tons of fun on her new swingset.!
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