Today, I decided to share pictures from Brenna's birthday and also some recent fun with face paints. I loved the look on Brenna's face above with her SpongeBob card from Uncle Rusty :-) Below, hugging one of her new stuffed animals - she wants to name everything Slimey right now, so I think that is his current name, lol! (it is usually either Slimey or Spike - wondering how long it will be before everything is Hannah (that is her current favorite show)).

The beautiful cake made by my mom :-)

Mom and I sporting some face painting for the party :-)

Brenna blowing out the candles for the 2nd time (she blew the 1st ones out before Dustin even had them all lit and before we had a chance to sing, lol)

Brenna and I with our matching dresses that I made - (I think the color looks better on her - I haven't found any color that doesn't look great on her though, lol).

Out of the costumes...

Kayla Girl with her cat face - my sister and I did this one together (although I had the much easier part of it :-)

The 4 kids we did face painting with (I had thought about doing it during the party, but it was busy and I didn't even get a chance to visit with everyone, so these were all done at the end - but, I think they all look great!) (o.k., Brenna's doesn't look like much, she got started, but wasn't into it (I was going to do it the same as my mom's face - I think I have burnt my child out on face painting and pictures, lol).

I think Anthony made a good scary face (below) - he did one with each of the smiling girls...

At my parent's house last weekend - Brenna with her cousins :-) All the girls were butterfly fairies and Jackson had a scary face)

I let the kids paint mine after their's were all painted - I think I fell into the scary category, lol. They tried to put a mustasche on me, but too much black was applied to my right side of my face, so it is a little hard to see. You should have heard all the giggles going on with the 4 kids painting together - they sure had fun doing it and I wore it through the afternoon until after supper (and I think scared my grandparents as well when they stopped over, lol!)

the girls looking great!

Scary face!

I mentioned to Jackson that he was going to regret making this face some day - but it made me laugh enough that I had to post it - sorry (I have a great one of his sister as well - they are sure silly kids when they want to be!)!!!

Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - unpacking is progressing. Brenna's room is unpacked, just need to put up curtains and some pictures on the walls and everything is done in there :-) Our bedroom is almost done as well (and all of the suitcases are finally unpacked :-) We made lots of head-ways on the kitchen yesterday - just need to wash up our plastic containers and then that room will be nearly finished! We still have lots of boxes in the garage and my craft room, but I am looking forward to a break this weekend when we go out with Dustin's parents and then to a birthday party on Sunday :-) We have washed loads of laundry this week too - it is nice to have a dryer and be able to keep all the items caught up :-)
We have heard that our sea shipment from Germany may arrive next week - it will be great to have all our stuff back in one house again (although we have already boxed up some items for goodwill :0)
I think we all have adjusted back to Ohio time now - glad to not have to think about another time change like we did on our visit trips before.
Well, I think that covers what has been happening here lately. If anyone needs any packing material or boxes, let me know ASAP (otherwise, they will be going in the trash or with the movers when they come next week).
Take Care!
Great pics and memories of the face painting.! Don't we all look marvelous? Brenna, we all loved your 4th birthday party!.!.
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