Hello All!!
Hope all is going well out there. I thought I would try to take a quick moment while the house is still quiet and get my post up this morning.
Here are some pictures of Brenna before school this morning in one of her new birthday outfits - I love her in red!! She did a pretty good job being cheesy this morning! I wasn't too motivated while she was in school today - just baked the cookie dough from yesterday and worked on a craft project for a friend here. (sorry Justice, no good walk today - maybe later. The air is cool here today, but still feels stuffy to me - how can that be???)
Brenna is loving helping me in the kitchen - she was a very good helper with the cookie dough yesterday (although I think we had way too much sugar all afternoon after that, lol). We will have to make non-sugary things next week when we are in the mood to be in the kitchen!
Well, I better get things around to go pick up Brenna - she has done great with being dropped off for school this week :-) (although she is looking forward to the weekend and spending time with daddy - he has had some late days from work this week :-(
Take Care!
I love the last picture you took of her... she looks like a little lady! TOOO CUTE!!!
OMG! she's looking so grown up! and beautiful in red!!! Love it!
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