Hope all is well out there. We have had a busy few days here. My uncle is here now from Colorado for a weekend visit - so I'm sure I will have lots of new pictures coming :-)
I finished up some projects here (no, not my quilt - I'm not that ambitious!) (sorry, no pics today - hopefully tomorrow). Brenna can't wait for me to make her something now, lol!!! She really wants something with some glow in the dark thread on it.
As promised - here is the "world according to Brenna" hope you enjoy her photo style - I know it sure entertained me today!
Well, gotta go - lots to do in the next few days!!
Take Care!
Brenna's pics -
Did she take all of these? Your skills are wearing off! BTW, these photos are too funny. I laughed all the way through and Justice was such a good doggie model! Love ya!
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