Above - our Christmas card pic from last year - October in Germany 2008.

Hope all is well out there. Brenna made it through her first week of Kindergarten this week :-) She went for 2 hours each day (which didn't give me alot of time to walk home and walk back to get her, lol - it is about a 15 - 20 minute walk at a good pace). We had rainy weather for our walk yesterday, but only cloudy skies this morning. It rained all afternoon, but we did get a lucky weather break to take the dog out. Brenna had her first bathroom accident at school yesterday and walked home in someone else's pants :-( It was even in her new school slippers - bummer! We also had our first night time accident in over two months - bummer, bummer (at least the sheets already needed to be washed, lol).
Our family had a big group picture done while we were back in the US. This was part of the Christmas gift we gave our parents. I think the two photographers did a really good job working with all the kids in getting some good shots. Hopefully, you all enjoy these pictures today. The photographer is located in Celina and has really reasonable rates if anyone is interested in them - here is their website :-) http://www.picturesque-photography.net/index2.php I almost have my pictures all picked out to order - hopefully, I will get that done soon (and if we get our Christmas picture cards from there this year, one less thing I need to think about at the holidays :-) I also have to include some of our other family pictures here - hasn't Brenna just grown too fast!
Well, that is it for today - we are off to dinner with some other American friends this evening :-)
Take Care!
Wow... all your pictures are soo cute... My friend had Brand J do her wedding... it crazy how small of a world it is... to think I had to come all the way to Germany to meet you guys. We had a fun time today...and are glad to hear Breann stopped and used the WC.
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