Poor daddy - we all had to have crowns on on Sunday - (o.k. folks - I hope you enjoy this one because I think he will probably kill me for posting this one!!). (Can you see us Skyping with the Dustin's parents in the background - funny!!!). Brenna below with her beloved dog (until he farts!!)!

Hope all is well out there :-) We had a pretty quiet day here on Sunday (if you exclude the noise Dustin made while watching the Browns on the computer - hah!). We drove up to go walk around at Lake Mummelsee, but there was absolutely no parking (the place was packed!!!) and we ended up just turning around and heading back to our town for ice cream! Brenna helped me with cleaning when we got home - she did a great job on all the tasks I put her to (she is at a great height for cleaning the tub!!).
I finished all my inside quilt squares yesterday on the quilt I am working on (Dustin took Brenna on a run with him so that I could finish up - yeah Daddy). Now, I have 20 border pieces to make (o.k. only 17 now - I have 3 done - these are almost harder than the squares, lol)!. I am running dangerously low on my off-white bobbin already - who knew that quilting took so much thread (it doesn't help how often I have to rip things back out again, lol). Good thing I did stock up on thread when I was home - too bad I didn't realize I was going to need two of some of these spools of thread!! I can't wait to get it all put together and take a picture (sorry out there - you will just have to wait to see the finished product!!! If you email me, I will send you a sneak peak of my squares if you really can't wait to see, lol).
Brenna loves the green dress she has on in the above pictures - it is always worn right after it comes out of the laundry - I think I am going to have to put a long sleeve and tights on under it in the winter for her, lol!! I did get Brenna to put on her new jean jacket - it is really, really cute! All the clothes that she got for her birthday fit great - I am trying very hard to get a picture of her in all of them and posted - so keep watching for her fall "clothing" line!! (Although, some days she likes having her picture taken and some days she doesn't)!
My brain doesn't seem to be working very quickly this morning - it made German class very difficult - I just couldn't seem to pull any of my sentences together today (not even in English, lol). Well, I think I am going to switch craft projects today - I am thinking a new apron for Brenna today or my tunic??? Stay tuned to see which one we decide on!!! (I will also need to get some crayon wallets done this week - I think I will do those either tomorrow or on Thursday).
Take Care - I gotta run and pick up Brenna (I really hope that the walking takes some pounds off - I am getting almost 4 miles in going back and forth each day - if only I can stop eating the sweets! No baking sweets this week!!!)
staying busy I see (or not!since no preview of the awesome quilt! LOL) Make sure to take a break every now and then. Love the pic of Dustin and Brenna. Too cute!
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