These pictures were taken from our balcony - I will miss all the fall colors I see out my window next fall (it really is a beautiful time of year over here). Blowing everyone kisses from over here :-)

Hope all is well out there! I am finally starting to feel better today (bummer that Brenna "shared" her cold with me - hopefully Dustin won't get it too). Brenna seems to be back to herself - thank goodness that cold is almost over. The cold itself wasn't horrible - but no fun with a sore throat and lingering headache. Anyway, I ended up cancelling my German class for the whole week - first because Brenna was sick and then because I was. Brenna and I stayed inside all week, so it was a great change this weekend to get out of the house (other than dog walking that is). Justice and I got out on some walks - was so nice to get some exercise and stretch my legs.
Anyway, on Friday, I started a new project for Brenna - a Christmas stocking :-) She needs to have one for school this year - I think the one I have started will be so cute when finished (they celebrate St. Nicholas day over here - it is at the beginning of December so Brenna won't miss that over here). I am thinking that I will need to make one for Dustin and me too now though, lol. On Saturday, we drove to France for some grocery "supplies" and also for some needed sewing items. Crazy to drive to another country just to get some items for my kitchen! We all went to the store in th evening and ate "take out" for supper (Dustin's favorite - Gyros). Today, I worked on a embroidery this morning and then spent the afternoon with some friends. Brenna was pretty shy playing today - I think she was somewhat tired too.
I better get busy this week finishing some of my projects - I need to start working on Christmas gifts here very, very soon :-)
Well, Take Care!
PS - Happy 2nd birthday Brayden hope you had a great day!!
Yay, what a super cute stocking that will be! I see her name had to be on both sides? Very cute! Glad she won't miss St. Nicolas Tag over there before you fly back to the states, what a fun holiday for the kids. Will they do this at school with their "school shoes"? Okay, so loving the embroidered look, I enlarged your photo so I could get a better look at it, very neat. Hope you get all better soon, sore throats and headaches are definitely no fun! Love ya!
Forgot to mention that she's got good taste like her mommy. I love that necklace too!
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