My latest project - some families of owls :-) Read the story of these guys below, lol. On the picture below with our owl "family" doesn't it look like some college team colors - the "daddy" one looks like he is dressed in Akron type colors, the "mommy" one is in Ohio State, and the baby - well, the baby had to have pink on!

Hope all is well out there! I have been very involved with my projects the last two days. The weather here has continued to be dreary and rainy, but we heard that the sun may actually come out tomorrow (to bad that Dustin is on his way to England tomorrow). We can't believe over here that Brenna and I fly to the US in less than 3 weeks!!! We have a trip to Prague and Dresden scheduled before we come back, so we will be staying busy with that and getting stuff ready here (plus all of Dustin's travel for work - yuck there) :-)
Yesterday, in trying not to buy something online, I figured out how to draw my own embroidery designs :-) These little owls were hand drawn by me (literally) and then made into embroideries - aren't they cute!! The top one is the first try and the bottom ones are the ones I stayed up late last night finishing. For whatever reason, I have decided owls will be on the gifts for the kindergarten teachers - so recipe cards with owls and the holder with owls too (I will probably be tired of owls by the time I am finished with them all!). I am trying to get all of my designs sewn so that I can pick which ones to use for the teachers. I really like the middle one with the bow on my "family" of owl towel - any thoughts?? I think I will do a different owl for each teacher. (why did I make so many different owls you might ask - well, in my craft world, I am generally not successful on every first attempt - this project took about 5 or 6 attempts - so there are at least that many different revisions of owls, lol). Now, I will try not to get to carried away making more stuff, but I already have a couple Christmas trees ready to go now and also a bear that I did today! (I sat down for what was supposed to be 5 minutes this morning on the trees and ended up staying in the chair for at least 30 while Brenna was at school). (I think my middle owl would look cute holding a sign too - maybe something that says "Go Bucks" - hmm, the Christmas gift opportunities there!)
Well, I should get sewing while the house is quiet (although I think I ended up wasting more of my time while it was quiet then I planned - why is the internet such a time black hole for me!).
Take Care!
The recipients will be so thrilled to get your cute Original!! gifts. All of them are so adorable...did you say you wanted to design for a while? I think you are good already. We are all blessed to have you in our lives.
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