Hello All!!!
Hope all is well out there!!! We had thought we might go traveling this weekend, but ended up just staying home (which was good as we needed to run errands yesterday morning). While Dustin was at work yesterday morning, Brenna and I printed some magnets off the computer and then decorated them (these are from the wonderful pictures we had taken by http://www.picturesque-photography.net/index2.php - these ladies are located in Celina, Ohio and do a really good job and have reasonable rates :-) Thought everyone might like to see them, so I am going to post them today as well as the hair clips Brenna and I have been working on (after working in a place that makes adhesive and especially solvent based adhesive, I feel like a really bad mom for having my daughter help me use the Fabri-Tac glue that is most definetly solvent based. I think I handled all this stuff much safer when working in the factory! It does work great in gluing ribbon onto the clips though!). The words that are on the magnets mostly say Sweet as Honey (I think if they have words, that is the only thing they say, lol). Brenna really enjoyed putting some of her beloved beads on the magnets too (these are a great 3 year old toy - they can occupy her forever and then she does a really good job sorting them and putting them away when she is done - just don't ask her to share them, lol).
I spent about 30 minutes yesterday looking for silicone glue at the hardware store here in Germany with no success. Dustin was getting very annoyed with me by the end of that one - of course he made he suggestion when we left the store that I should have thought of before even going - "can't you just find it online?" Hmmm...it only took about 5 minutes to find it online and it will be delivered to my door next week (after all my addiction to online shopping, you would think that I could think of that on my own, lol). The glue is going to be used to make the clips slip-free or so I am told - I will have to let you know after I try it (of course, that means that Brenna would need to leave the clip in her hair for longer than 5 minutes!). I will have to try to get some better pictures of the clips once they are all completed.
Brenna and I are going to try to do yoga every day before we come home for Christmas - my knee is starting to bother me again - yuck. I am also going to try to add in some new workout videos - maybe all my jeans could fit before Christmas, lol! (Don't tell Brenna, but I bought her a pink yoga mat for Christmas - can't wait to see how excited she is on that one! I may have to give it to her early so that we can use it this month!). We did two different workout videos yesterday and today - Brenna really enjoyed the activity (even if she doesn't do it the same way they do on TV, lol). I figure it can't be bad mommy and Brenna time doing that stuff. She loves to dance - if anyone finds any good kid dancing DVD's that would be right up Brenna's ally for Chirstmas.
We had some delicious Bratwursts for supper last night - it was the first time that we made them ourselves here at home (how sad is that)!!! Tonight we are planning on doing bar-b-que Chicken - hope it turns out o.k. :-) I broke down this week and bought some of the many Christmas cookies that are out here already (although I am trying to tell myself that this will be the only purchase this whole year) - Brenna is really loving the Vanilla kipferl ones - I will miss those next year!!
Well, I think that about covers my morning!!!
Gotta share one of my favorite sayings from Brenna this week - I have still been recovering from my cold here and whenever I cough - she tells me "Mommy, you'll live" (I don't know where she connected that one from - makes me feel like a mean mommy when she was sick though !). Also, I complained my knee hurt on Friday and she went and got the ice pack for me out of the freezer :-) She is such a better mommy to me, lol!! She is such a sweet little girl right now!
Take Care!
Sounds like a good time to get some original German cookie recipes, maybe you can find a genuine source with your german teacher, or friends! Love the sweet ribbons and buttons, girls. !Brush up on that yoga, gammy needs to do it too.!
Love the pictures of Dustin with Brenna! They look so cute together! I love the magnet idea-you'll have to show me how you did that when you are here to visit! Looks like you guys had a fun craft day! Do you want the PB cup cheesecake recipe? Then I'll really need to do the yoga!
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