Top - our seats at the circus - great job Dustin getting us close to all the action. Below - a fall picture I took yesterday - it is not in focus, but I still thought it looked kind of nice (it was still early and my little point and shoot camera was having a difficult time with the lighting).

Brenna and my art projects - can you tell how early Brenna lost interest on the first one and mommy colored alone, lol!
My new owls that I purchased (I am so sorry Dustin - my spending has gotten out of control - I will stop shopping online, I will stop shopping online, lol...) - anyway these are really cute and you can get your own at: The owls got treated to some glitter treatment today by Brenna and me, lol!
More of our glitter paint and paper punching :-)
oh boy - my new fabric - I even have gotten all my new fabric washed, dried (in the dryer - while the landlord is away :-), and ironed (yep, you read that right - I have an iron and actually know how to run it even though it hasn't ever seen any of my clothes! The fabric definetly gets special treatment (and hugs too, lol)).

Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here (although I am in a grumpy mood today - I think it probably has to do with the lack of sunshine here lately - will the cloudy skies and rain stop already!!!). We spent our afternoon at the Circus today :-) Brenna LOVED it!!! She was totally amazed the whole two hours and sat on my lap so wonderfully the whole time (she also ate a whole bag of popcorn too, lol). It was a small one ring circus - but they did a good job keeping everyone entertained with the animals including: a trained bear, trained camels (who knew that you could train camels to perform like they did, lol), an elephant, horses, ponies, a pig, trained yaks (or some yak mix - looked a lot like a really hairy cow, lol) and a trained dog. They also had a knife throwing (wild west type) show with the girls standing in front of the board, a tight rope walker, clowns, a girl who rode a horse and performed with it, and a girl that did an act with hula hoops. I think it is what I have in my mind as a circus from books and the Dumbo movie! Brenna has told everyone that the elephant pooped - and he did, a lot, and it smelled - yuck, lol. Dustin got us all really good seats - we were in the second row right around the ring - what a great seat for a 3 year old to see everything. We even visited the animals during the intermission (which is called a Pause here in Germany) - Brenna got a chance to pet the horses - not sure if she touched the yaks, but you could go right up to them as well (although it was funny that before entering the tent, her first comment was that it smelled like poop before going in (she was right too, lol)). Brenna would not agree to any pictures at the circus - so, none from the circus this time :-(
Thought I would what Brenna and I have been working on lately - hope you enjoy seeing our art work (we got new paper punches and glitter glue - what fun!!!) (Brenna made the comment when we were using the glitter glue that maybe santa would bring her some (good thing santa already had thought that was a good idea and he already has it wrapped up!!)). I think we are done with our Christmas shopping for a our small little family to celebrate before going back to the US - I even have almost all of Brenna's presents wrapped - except for the one that she is fully committed to that santa will bring her - can't wait to see if she is excited to finally have that gift home. I can't believe how much she has put her hopes on one gift for Santa to bring her at 3 - I thought that was more something for older kids, lol!!!
Well, I think that is about it! Take Care (and enjoy all the pics from this weekend :-)
I love the recipe cards...way to go, girl! (Mine are always a white background, doesn't take too much ink) Your cards and dresses look so bright and cheerful. The circus sounds so fun! Hugs & kisses
LOL! Funny that the first thing she remembers about the circus is the elephant pooed! I think that must be the way the three year old mind works. The circus sounds like a blast. I love all your new handiwork. Tell Dustin I'm sorry you're so creative! I know he is so proud to show you and your creations off, but I suppose we have been bad with our fabric addictions and such!
LOL! Funny that the first thing she remembers about the circus is the elephant pooed! I think that must be the way the three year old mind works. The circus sounds like a blast. I love all your new handiwork. Tell Dustin I'm sorry you're so creative! I know he is so proud to show you and your creations off, but I suppose we have been bad with our fabric addictions and such!
Okay, blogspot is being weird. I love the recipe cards and I want some!! (hint, maybe santa will hear me!) I love owls now, so bears and owls, I guess that works. Too cute! Love ya!
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