Hope all is well out there! Things have been busy here this week :-) (and hot - it was around 90 yesterday - and boy does that feel hot in our apartment!). Happy birthday to Papa C today - hope you have a great day!!!
On Tuesday, after Brenna went to school, we played at home and then headed to the park...We got soaked on our walk home (and she only got to play for about 15 minutes before the storm hit) - poor planning on my part there - guess we should have went earlier in the afternoon. (The most disappointing thing about our walk home was that the rain killed my timex watch - the last two have proved to be really, really low on water resistence - I think it is time to switch models...). So, we came home and did some paper crafting (Brenna is great at cutting and loves to glue everything :-) (I need to use up some more of our crafting items - not sure what we will be able to bring home and what will need to be tossed before we leave...).
On Wednesday, we spent some of the afternoon at the pool. We were very bummed to find that the kid pool area had no water, but Brenna still had fun in the bigger pool (and lucky for me it was only chest high). Brenna isn't sure about getting her head wet in the water - she enjoyed watching others go under and the kids with the diving boards, but when I dunked her (because I thought she wanted me too so that she could be like the other kids), she got very upset with me....I'm sure if we spend more time at the pool this summer she may get more daring. We met a girl who was 11 at the pool - she was very interested in Brenna - all the people here seem to really love her black hair (and she is just too cute to resist I think!). (It was kind of comical as I walked up and down the length of the pool with Brenna - the place was empty and the girl seemed like she was following us - turns out she was and she wanted to talk to us...(she also gave me a compliment that she thought I was only in my 20s when she saw me (hey, maybe my expensive hair dye really was worth it, lol)- the Germans are not shy about asking a person's age - it is not a taboo question at all here, lol)).
Yesterday, I worked on Brenna's summer quilt that I started a little while ago. With the weather turning so hot this week, I determined that we needed to put less on the beds - so between yesterday and today, Brenna finally has her new Brenna quilt :-) I think she really liked it (even though it isn't pink - but she will have that one (hopefully) for the winter when we are back in the US). The quilt doesn't have any batting in it (the stuff that makes the blankets really warm) - so hopefully she will like having it for the summer (it just has flannel on the back - a good use of my flannel stash :-) (I had planned to do the backing a little more checker board like, but with the desire to finish the quilt, I abandoned that plan (and all the squares I already have cut out) and just went for simple.)
After we sweated all afternoon indoors yesterday (it was 87 in our apartment when I went to bed last night), we went out for a international gathering for Dustin's company to play Bocce (Ball). I had rinsed Brenna off before going - turns out I probably shouldn't have bothered as she ran around so much there that she was red faced and sweaty only a few minutes after we arrived. (no surprise, but the Bocce courts really aren't that fun for kids - I was hoping they would have some kind of play area for kids, but no luck there. We kept trying to slow Brenna down as she was up for running around, but you could see how hot she was (so we enforced numerous drink breaks). How can kids not be bothered by that much heat???).
Well, I think that covers most of our highlights!
Also, another birthday wish to my Aunt - hope you have a great day as well!
Take Care!
Your quilt turned out awesome. I think you have now surpassed me a sewer.:o( I am surprised at how much you accomplish on a super hot day, I think I need your energy! Love the quilt. sounds like you had a good time at the pool and hope Dustin's party was fun! Love you!
pool sounds FUN!! Sorry to hear about your watch. The Quilts look GREAT!!!
Wow, you quilt looks great, I think you are glad you flannel-backed it?!! Sounds like Brenna had a lot of fun with the children, too! Isn't it fair for the child to dunk Mama? (that image makes me snicker)
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