Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday, June 14

Hello All!!

Hope all is well out there! Special birthday wishes to my brother (yesterday) and his daughter, Sydney, today - hope you guys each have a special birthday!

The weather turned cooler and rainy after our super hot Thursday (that is o.k. by me - Brenna loves the rain as it means snail searching - and trust me, she is an expert snail hunter!). So, Saturday, in an attempt to let Dustin sleep in, we went out to the stores before a rain shower (yeah, just made it before the rain started!). We didn't do so well picking out healthy food - I even picked out bacon wrapped hot dogs thinking Brenna would love them (not so much - she only wanted the bacon, guess I should have just went for the bacon!) (we also had butter pretzels and a pastry - not such a healthy breakfast - glad we don't do that too often!). I had woke up super early on Saturday (before 5 am - yikes!), so Justice even got his walk in before any rain showers. It did clear up again in the afternoon, so while Brenna and Dustin went out to the grocery store, Justice and I took another walk (I think he had a good day on Saturday - he has not been getting consistent walks here lately). We all went out to the mall earlier in the day - I think we were looking for some new entertainment as we bought several new kid movies :-)

Yesterday, we all woke up early, so Dustin took Brenna on a bike ride down to the bigger town with the great play area and they played for a little while. I stayed home and worked on the laundry I am behind on (never a good idea here - I quickly run out of places to hang stuff when I am behind - won't be long until I am reunited with my friend the dryer though, lol!). After Dustin and Brenna returned, we all went out to the park in town and then came home for our movie marathon afternoon. I am starting to run very low on ingredients here (which is a good thing), but it also meant that I ran out of flour for our pizza yesterday and had to improvise on the dough (it worked out, yeah!). Our flights have been booked to return to the US - we fly back on August 6! Wow, did two years fly by for us over here. I feel bad that we talked about it so much around Brenna - she asked me this morning when we were leaving for our trip - she thought we were flying this week. She knows that when we fly on the next plane trip it means it is close to her birthday, so she is very excited about it. But anyway, just in case anyone is curious, we have 53 days left of our two year journey over here - crazy for us!

The world cup is big news over here right now - our landlord had a party all day for the opening game on Friday :-) (although I was surprised we didn't hear anything from them yesterday when Germany played and won :-) I love the name the world cup is called in German - Weltmeistershaft (or abbreviated, WM). It seems like all the cars driving by right now have flags flying and we see more in windows too - is it that big where you live right now? (even the Pringles is giving away a flag with the purchase of 3 - I am tempted to get it for Brenna - she loves flags (and it may be neat to have a german flag for her later!)).

Well, I need to get cleaning! Take Care!


mikaysmom said...

snail searching! wohoo! forgot to tell you we had tons of little ones in our side yard when we moved the mulch bags, ewww.. I can't believe you've been over there for nearly two years! How crazy is it that you have a countdown now for your flight back! I'll let you know if I'll be quitting before you come back, at least then I could probably pick you up....enjoy the cooler weather!

heathmamagam said...

oh, ya, the Germen flag sounds like a good idea for later. The world cup is probably celebrated more in the European areas.! We can't wait till you are here to hug for good!!!