yesterday, we went to the park here in town - Brenna loves playing in the sand there :-) (by the way, if you wonder why I put her in dresses so often, it is her choice - she is very girly and loves wearing her dresses at the moment)...

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - it was a nice weather weekend - feels like summer is finally making an appearance in Germany :-) It is cloudy today, but I think we are supposed to have a sunny afternoon.
We enjoyed a day around home yesterday - we all went to the park to play and then Dustin and Brenna went out for ice cream afterwards...Brenna wasn't really feeling like being a school this morning - she tried to stall as long as possible before I left her at school (2 trips to the bathroom and then back to her storage "platz"...).
Well, I think the weather is nice enough I should take Justice for a walk this morning...
Take Care!
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