So, this weekend, with the cool weather here in Germany (only a high in the low 60s!), we decided it was a good time to make our planned day trip to Frankfurt (we didn't want to leave Germany having only seen the airport in Frankfurt, lol!). Sorry, to get some of the landmark pictures in Frankfurt the people are pretty tiny! (I was really surprised that in order to find out what to see in Frankfurt I had to research it on the internet - none of our travel books say much about it!). So, to start our day, we parked in the Old Town area (always a favorite with our travels). We also grabbed lunch in the area - but no one had a frankfurter (I was sure Brenna would want that, but she choose to have Schnitzel instead).

Brenna spotted the playgrounds before we even parked the car! So, after lunch we headed to one of the playgrounds along the river. (I thought the path along the river was really nice - the city was pretty empty which also made it very nice to stroll everywhere in the city).

Brenna enjoyed being a pirate the most - can you hear her say "Argg"??

My favorite picture from the park below - don't you wonder what she was looking for??

Brenna was directing Daddy in the next few...

We had to get our shot by the Euro - I didn't think how tiny this would make us look though! Frankfurt is called the New York of Germany with all the high rise glass buildings - but don't expect the crowds of New York. As I said earlier, it was great how uncrowded the city was to stroll around in!

We went up to the top of the Main Tower - you are 200 meters above the city - worth the wait if you ever go to Frankfurt! I was a little worried about how open it was up at the top, but Dustin really kept Brenna under control and entertained at the top (she loved the binoculars that are up there - too bad we didn't have any 1 Euro coins for her!)

The World Cup is big news here - I loved the picture of the Fan Plunder....

Below - once Brenna wasn't walking around anymore (or running around), she thought the air was pretty chilly - can you hear her below "brrr, I'm cold"

The person below was a street performer with a fire trick. Brenna thinks all performers are great and gave him some money - if you click on the picture, you might be able to see his smile with Brenna giving him a donation... (I also love that she now has a German flag - maybe she will return to the US a soccer fan and Germany will be who she cheers for??)

Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there! Things are good here.
As promised yesterday, here are our pictures from our travels on Saturday to Frankfurt. We all enjoyed a relaxing day of traveling (we had talked the night before about waiting until Sunday, but as we all were up before 7 on Saturday and it was raining in our town - we decided to head north and had a very pleasant day...). We also lucked out in Frankfurt that the main construction was in the parking garage (we really think that all the cities have construction just because we plan to travel there, lol!). Anyway, Frankfurt was pretty easy to get into and very easy to stroll around in. We enjoyed a ice cream treat at the end of our day there and then made it home in time for supper in our town. Brenna fell asleep on our drive home (and pretty much slept the whole way home).
Brenna had a fitful night of sleep last night, so we are both hoping for a better night tonight. I hope to have some craft pictures to share soon (I made an apron gift today - I think it turned out really cute!)... I also got some great pictures of Brenna helping me with the pizza dough today (she actually asked me to take some pictures - so of course I got some great smiles today!).
Well, that is it for today. Just in case anyone is curious - the digital scrapbooking pages came from Just be warned it is very addictive! (I have started some pages from our disney trip - I am having way too much fun!).
Take Care!
I need your energy! what a beautiful city Frankfort is! I was surprised to see the glass tower buildings when your first pictures had the "traditional" german buildings in the background. Glad that you were able to get to see the place before you make your final trip back!
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