Hello All!!
Hope all is well out there. We have been having some fabulous weather here in Germany, so we are trying to make the most out of it (although my body is feeling old now - my feet hurt and my knee brace is my constant accessory). Anyway, on Monday afternoon, Brenna helped me take Justice for a nice long walk in the afternoon - I figured she would be exhausted by bedtime, but she was almost awake longer than I was, lol. I worked on my quilting in the morning on Monday (I think I said that on Monday's post, but have forgotten since then...), but with the nice weather and cleaning, I haven't had a chance to get back to it (I feel like it sits there begging me to sew them, wish I had more energy in the evenings to get them done, but by the time Brenna is in bed, I am too tired to want to sew...). I'm sure I mentioned that Dustin was going to London on Monday - at least he comes home tonight (although late). Brenna really misses him when he is gone and has started taking her "invisible Daddy" places (mainly on our walk in the afternoon) - (Brenna has started in with her pretend/invisible friends in the last two weeks - mainly they are her friends from school, but she added Daddy as one yesterday....(she also has pets too) - hmm, can't wait until she can have some real playdates at our house or at some friends houses - I think she will love those).
Yesterday after cleaning, Justice and I had a short walk and then picked up Brenna. At school, they played outside for the first time since the weather warmed up and we weren't prepared with playpants at school yet (she still has her winter ones there - with about 60 degrees outside, I guess it is time to change them out and bring the warm ones home...) (I don't even have any here - I had to order some online - they should be here tomorrow :-)
Brenna and I did some more painting - she has a lot of fun with it and when she is painting with our brushes, she has decided that the paint brushes need to match the paint colors she is using :-) We also took Justice on a short walk in the afternoon up to the monument here in town.
Today, Brenna and I stopped by the ice cream store in town for a sweet treat (oh, how I will miss that ice cream when we go home - it is soooo good). We stopped and ate it at one of the benches and enjoyed the sunshine. I took Justice on a nice long walk in the morning after German class. We read one of my German teacher's favorite books today, so our class went a little long (bonus - not much homework this week :-) Brenna seems to prefer when I read to her in English instead of German, but I try to include at least one of the German books at our story times (in the morning, afternoon, and evening). Maybe my poor German skills put her off of those books - they are all really cute stories... Anyway, Brenna and I took Justice on a nice stoll this afternoon and then came home for supper and a bath :-)
We go to Ireland in a little over a week - I better work to get the cameras cleaned off here shortly :-) I can't believe it is almost April - I have so many projects that I am behind on working on!
Well, I think that covers most of our day(s)! Take Care!