Brenna's face-painting from yesterday (it was supposed to be a bear, but I don't think I did a great job on it). She had it on and then off in about 5 minutes. (and then she was out for a nap yesterday as she woke up too early - she didn't even make it through a reading of the The Cat in the Hat). I love her smile above - kind of looks like something from Dr. Suess, lol!

Hope all is well out there. Things are good here. It has been a busy week for Dustin at work - hope next week is better there as Brenna really missed seeing her Daddy this week. Brenna has been doing really well getting out and running now that there isn't any snow on the ground (although she did plop down on the ground on the way to school saying she couldn't walk anymore...we did get past it, but I think she would have went faster had we been going home instead of going to school).
I worked on some more of my sewing today - I sewed 24 darts for my next projects (trying to get them all done at once, and I'm not sharing what they are yet, lol). Hopefully, I can get them done before my next quilt blocks need to get done (the next one comes "out" on Sunday).
Brenna went off to bed early tonight - she had fun with a pretend dinner party and then dancing with friends from school (Daddy missed it - he was working late again). Although she got married twice to her friend Henry, so maybe daddy wasn't too sad to miss it, lol. She was funny when she was ready to go to bed - she said "Mommy, send everyone home - I am ready to go to bed. Henry can stay though, he can sleep in my bed." (to which I replied, no, everyone must go home - including Henry :-)
We also worked on Brenna's postcard album - we have been collecting postcards from all our travels - boy are there a ton of them. Brenna enjoyed playing with the stickers for a little while - but she was more interested in playing (and not really interested in putting the stickers only in the corners...)
Well, I think that is it for our day!
Take Care!
Love the face paint. Wouldn't have necessarily known it was bear, but cute anyway. I think you'll have to watch that girl as she gets older. Getting married and then wanting them to stay?? overnight??? Dear goodness, what will she do next?lol! I hope to get a chance to talk to you this weekend, can't wait to see what you make with this 24 dart thing!!
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