Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 17

Hello All!!!

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here - a little crazy, but good :-) Dustin left for Paris yesterday morning, but he is returning late tonight. I am glad his trip will be short, but bummed that Brenna will miss him until Friday (he has a customer in town tomorrow night and won't get home till late). So, what have we been doing?? Well, on Tuesday morning, Brenna and I went to pick up Dustin's ring at the found office (called the Gefunden Büro) at the town hall. It only took about 4 wrong offices until we found the right one, but we were very lucky that someone found the ring and turned it into the office in good shape. (there was a fee to retrieve the ring - not a big deal except the only money I had was small change - I was very lucky that I had stocked up on the loose change before leaving the house - and I made the amount - just barely, but I made it, lol!).

After the stop to pick up the ring, Brenna was off to school (late) and I came home to work on my quilting project (sorry, I am going to wait to post a picture until the quilt is done - it is almost done, I promise - maybe you can see it this weekend). The quilt I am working on right now is for Brenna - called a Crazy Log Cabin - it looks pretty good and I love all the bright colors in it. I think Brenna wishes I put more pink in it, but hopefully I can make her happier with the I love you quilt I am working on for her. (to bad for her that I don't plan to actually quilt them until I am back in the US - she even asked today if it was for here in Germany or for in the US - I am just hoping that I can have most of my quilts that I am doing now done by Christmas).

The weather here is turning nicer - starting to feel like Spring :-) Today, we even had our evening walk with the dog without our hats :-) Justice's walk today was cut short by Brenna spotting the "chicken truck (at least that is what I like to think of it as)". Since, I didn't make the pizza dough I had planned, I thought it sounded like a good plan B - plus it was extra exercise for Brenna (sorry Justice - I will take you for a walk tomorrow). Brenna jogged most of the way to the place (nothing like some encouragement of "hurry, they might close if we don't get there in time"). I'm sure that Brenna gave our dinner two (greasy) thumbs up (at least that chicken is only available on Wednesday). After dinner, Brenna had a bath, story time and bed - she fell asleep while reading her 3rd book (I was impressed she stayed awake that long - she was pretty tired).

I am loving Brenna's newest phrase - not sure where she picked it up from - anyone recognize "Smell the Goodness"?? (she puts it at the appropriate places too - like tonight as we went to pick up the chicken and fries - "Mmm, mom smell the goodness").

Well, I think that covers most of our highlights.
Take Care!


mikaysmom said...

Mmm, maybe you've said smell the goodness too??? Too cute. Glad that you were able to retrieve the ring and you had enough change to get it back. I'm sure the quilts will be gorgeous, can't wait to see the completed projects. Hope that brenna gets to spend some time with her daddy this weekend!

heathmamagam said...

Oh, very pretty green background for St Pattie's Day! So pleased that Brenna has such good phrases and imagination! Congrats on your love of quilting! welcome to some of my faves, too!