So, I asked Brenna to take a few more pics today of one of my other new skirts - I did go ahead and ask her to cut my head off (guess, I was glad she did, lol) - but I think she did a fairly good job displaying my new skirt. The above picture was her directions - not a bad idea to get the back side of the skirt :-) (and she even directed the hands on the hips too - hmmm, have I modeled her too much with the camera, lol)... The fabric is one of my favorite - Amy Butler Love collection - love it!

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here (hmm, there really hasn't been too much happening between last evening and my post today - but I thought these pictures that Brenna took today were ready to be posted already). With Brenna's early mornings, we all have been turning in early - I miss her nap days and later mornings...
Anyway, while Brenna was at school today, I cleaned (bummer - I really wanted to get my quilt squares sewed together - maybe later today). Then, Brenna and I ate lunch and have our mini-cakes in the oven (smelling good - Snickerdoodle cake).
Well - hope you enjoy our pictures (hopefully I will get some of Brenna with the cakes today :-)
Take Care!
good shots of the new skirt, thanks Brenna
love all your new skirts :o)... hope you are enjoying the German life...
I think brenna was getting bored of your awesome skirt and wanted to take a picture of the chairs! LOL!
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