Brenna enjoying the park with Dustin :-) (this is a park close enough for us to walk to, so hopefully as the weather allows we can take advantage of that and her energy).

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here. The weather over the weekend was rainy (although not as rainy as I expected) - but we managed to get out to Baden-Baden on Saturday and then stayed around the house on Sunday. Brenna did get a chance both days to go out and play when there wasn't any rain with Dustin :-) Dustin was home for the weekend after his busy week last week, so Brenna was very attached to playing with him. It is starting to look spring like here with lots of flowers coming out :-)
I have been addicted to working on my quilting projects here lately - hopefully, I will be able to get another quilt top done by the end of the month :-) (I was very ambitious with my goals for this month - I was hoping to work on 4 different quilts, so 2 quilt tops is really good if they can be finished). I am working on two quilts at the moment, although all I did today was make triangles for the quilts :-) I have a pretty stack of them right now.
Dustin is off to London tonight and will be gone until Wednesday evening (late) - hopefully we will have some more nice weather while he is gone.
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