Brenna giving me a lovely cheesy smile with her face-painting (the town had their biannual Sunday store opening - crazy to think that the stores here are never open on Sunday, but something you do get used to). One of the town banks had the face-painting (called Schminken in German - isn't that a great word?) for free - I was impressed that Brenna let the person do a complete face :-). Oh, how did I get this lovely smile above - I promised chocolate - see below, lol!

Hope all is well out there! Things are good here (rainy - where did our sunshine from last week go??). Our weekend was rainy, but we seemed to stay busy with running errands and going to the Verkaufsoffener Sonntag (Sunday store opening) in our town. I was able to get Justice out in the mornings for some nice long walks before the rain came (so he was happy with me). Justice is shedding his winter coat right now - what a hairy mess we have - I just can't keep up with it...
While Dustin was sleeping in on Sunday morning, Brenna and I opened her new modeling clay and had fun playing with it - hope you enjoy our videos (isn't she getting so big???).
Our clay came with a few fun cutting tools - Brenna loves them - so glad that we got the big kit for her to play with :-)
I kept myself away from crafting all weekend - a little bit of a challenge for me, but our time still went very fast! The Verkaufsoffener Sonntag is a very neat street fair - we ran into two of the people I see daily with taking Brenna to Kindergarten and stopped to talk to both :-) We also enjoyed a yummy supper there - yummy Bratwursts for Brenna and I and Flammkuchen for Dustin :-) It was sprinkling for most of the afternoon (when the stores were open), but we enjoyed all the activites that Brenna participated in (they had some really cool things for the "kids" to do -there was a crane that would take people up and also they had Kinderbaggerfahren (excavators) that the kids could help drive in and pick up cones (Brenna didn't get to do those two activities, but they still looked pretty fun). We did go to the fashion show at the local clothes shop - we found out last weekend in Baden-Baden that Brenna was very interested in the fashion shows (they had one going on at one of the malls we went to last weekend). Brenna enjoyed most of the fashion show - she was the biggest clapper for all the fashions :-)
Well, I think that about covers our highlights. Brenna is home with me this morning - she woke up with a head full of congestion, so I thought it was better to keep her home since we have an exciting trip planned for this weekend and we hope everyone is 100%.
Take Care!
Wow, love the butterfly face!...and all the pics are just so fun!!! Love seeing Brenna with her new clay..what a winner that stuff is! Brenna, Feel Better Soon!
Enjoyed reading and seeing pics from your weekend. Hope the head cold thing gets better, you have such a fun trip planned for the weekend. Missed chatting with you over the weekend! Love you!
Okay, loving the face painting. the pic with the purple lips I love!!! So, are you changing your background like everyday now? I just notice that it's changing lots. Love it!
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